We sometimes get asked if our mobile software runs on iPhones or iPads.


There is nothing available for Apple that comes anywhere close to our software, and so if you want a good surveying tool you will need to invest a small amount by buying an Android device.


  • Our mobile data collection app runs on Android phones & tablets.

  • Our desktop database & reporting software runs on a Windows PC or a shared Windows server.


We do not support iPhones or iPads.


We firmly believe Android is the future platform for mobile surveying, and this is confirmed out by industry statistics.

Use The Best Tool for The Job!


Because Android tablets are so cheap, most Apple users just buy an Android tablet for the surveying task, just like you would buy any tool to make your job more efficient.


Android is rapidly overtaking Apple devices in the professional surveying arena, so we will not be supporting Apple operating systems in the near future.


If you insist on using an Apple device I strongly urge you to get a demonstration from us first, so you can compare it with the alternatives.


We find that many people regret buying an Apple surveying product, and come back to us after a few months of disappointment!